Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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L.A. Real: a theatrical reel, directed by Claudio Rocha, features the live capture of actor/musician Marlene Beltran in her 2023 solo stage performance of L.A. Real. All the compelling theatrical elements are on screen: vintage photography; paintings; original theme music by César Castro “Jarochelo”; songs by Castro, Theresa Chavez, and Beltran; as well as video vignettes featuring Marco Rodriguez as Rodolfo Serling in a homage to The Twilight Zone.
Play the video below for a sneak peak at the film.
In L.A. Real, a Latina dives deep into her California ancestral history, pondering its many complicated layers and grappling with how she should embrace it on a personal, political, and cultural level. How can she connect to a past that has nearly been lost in time, and move forward with a deeper sense of her own identity? Originally premiering in 1992, this interdisciplinary performance piece is written and directed by 7th generation Californio Theresa Chavez (Producing Artistic Director). Celebrating the production's 30th anniversary and its inclusion in the About...Productions' Original Theaterworks Collection in the California State University Northridge Digital Library Collection, the production was revised and restaged in 2023 at Plaza de la Raza’s Margo Albert Theatre.
Photos from the filmed production performed live in April 2023.

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“L.A. Real” programs are generously supported in part by the California Arts Council, the California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, the Pasadena Arts & Culture Commission and the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Division, and the L.A. Arts Recovery Fund.