Visit this page for a downloadable digital version of our companion study guide.

L.A. Real History Guide - Digital Version

L.A. Real History Guide Research Materials and Photo Credits

Visit this page to view the sources used for research during the creation of the L.A. Real History Guide, as well as photo credits and captions for the images in the L.A. Real History Guide by panel.

"A Little History Here, A Little Hollywood There": (Counter-)Identifying with the Spanish Fantasy in Carlos Morton's Rancho Hollywood and Theresa Chavez's L.A. Real

By Courtney Elkin Mohler; Modern Drama, University of Toronto Press. Visit the page below to read the full article.

Visit this page to view the full digital program from the 2023 stage production.

L.A. Real Full Digital Program, 2023

Visit this page to view the full digital program from the 2024 premiere screening, presented by Caltech as part of their Movies That Matter series.

L.A. Real: a theatrical reel Premiere - Digital Program, 2024